Software Solution for Administration and Control Rows  
Solution for control and maintenance of vehicle fleets  
Administration and control system of savings and loans  
Electronic Billing System  
Av. Viaducto Tlalpan 1013B
Col. La Joya CP 14090
México D.F.
Tels: (+52 55) 5554-8214,
5554-8190 y 5554-3660
Microsoft Visual C#
Microsoft Visual C # 2005 is a programming language designed to create a wide range of applications that run on. NET Framework. C # is a simple, effective, up-and object-oriented types. With its many innovations, C # to develop applications quickly and maintains the elegance and expressiveness of the languages of type C.

Visual Studio supports Visual C # code editor with a full project templates, designers, code wizards, an effective cleaner, easy to use, and other tools. The class library. NET Framework provides access to a wide range of operating system and other useful and properly designed to accelerate the development cycle significantly.

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