Software Solution for Administration and Control Rows  
Solution for control and maintenance of vehicle fleets  
Administration and control system of savings and loans  
Electronic Billing System  
Av. Viaducto Tlalpan 1013B
Col. La Joya CP 14090
México D.F.
Tels: (+52 55) 5554-8214,
5554-8190 y 5554-3660
Microsoft Visual Basic

Visual Basic is a programming language, is actually a dialect of BASIC, with important additions. Its first version was presented in 1991 with the intention to simplify programming by using a fully graphical development environment to facilitate the creation of graphical interfaces and to some extent the same programming. Since 2001 Microsoft has proposed to abandon the development based on Win32 API and go to work on a common framework or library independent of the version of the operating system. NET Framework, using Visual Basic. NET (and other languages as C Sharp (C #) code for easy transition between them) has some serious incompatibilities with the existing Visual Basic code.


  • RAD is a language.
  • It has a very fast learning curve.
  • Integrates the design and implementation of Windows Forms.
  • Allows extremely easy to use the platform of Windows systems.
  • The code in Visual Basic is easy to Migrate to other languages.

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