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Col. La Joya CP 14090
México D.F.
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Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual C + + 2005 provides a development environment for creating flexible and efficient applications based on Microsoft Windows and Microsoft. NET. It can be used as an integrated system or as a set of individual tools. Visual C + + includes these components:

Compiler tools for Visual C + + 2005. The compiler has new features that help developers who work with virtual hardware platform as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). There are now designed compilers for x64 and Itanium. The compiler still admitting x86 target directly, and optimizes performance for both platforms.

  • Libraries in Visual C + + 2005. Include the following libraries: Active Template Library (ATL) industry standard, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library Standard C + + library and C run-time (CRT), which has been expanded to provide enhanced security options functions suffered safety problems known. A new library, the Library of compatibility C + + is designed to simplify programs andalusia CLR.

  • Libraries in the development environment of Visual C + + 2005. Although the tools and libraries for C + + compiler can be used from the command line, the development environment provides an effective support for the administration and configuration of projects (including better support for large projects), editing and scanning of source code and debugging tools. This environment also supports IntelliSense, which is contextual and well-reasoned suggestions when creating the code.
In addition to the applications of conventional graphical user interface, Visual C + + allows developers to create Web applications, smart-client applications based on Windows Mobile devices and solutions for thin-client and smart-client. C + + is the language of the world's most popular systems, and Visual C + + gives developers a universal tool with which to generate software.

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