Av. Viaducto Tlalpan 1013B Col. La Joya CP 14090
México D.F.
Tels: (+52 55) 5554-8214,
5554-8190 y 5554-3660
It is important to have an answer in the short term, when a user performs a procedure, so we get a greater result and can serve more people in less time.
This has to analyze and select a group of procedures for which have to act immediately and call selection from the different actors from the perspective of users, turn their eyes and join processing.
Thus most of the procedures used can automate and improve service within each business.
Made a correct definition and reengineering the entire process can be optimized in every way these processes. Choosing a group considered "critical", as defined by several parameters (number of people, delaying the process, views s / survey, etc.). And is performed to re-develop a software according to the needs which have.