Av. Viaducto Tlalpan 1013B Col. La Joya CP 14090
México D.F.
Tels: (+52 55) 5554-8214,
5554-8190 y 5554-3660
Solutions for the retail industry
What are our customers defend their trademark? Those who recommend it to others prefer to buy from you than others and will stay with you. By increasing this type of customers, retailers can increase the quality of its overall portfolio of consumer, thus optimizing the performance metrics and outperforms its competitors. IBM services for the retail industry offers business intelligence (BI), digital surveillance, digital merchandising, kiosks, personal checks, loss prevention, integrated multi-channel retail, and a multitude of different solutions that help you gain competitive advantage .
Turning consumers into advocates of your brand is not easy. However, sellers of the retail industry, focusing on the customer, finding the needs and desires of consumers as the central focus of their business strategies are well positioned to make their guests protective of their brand. In addition, consumers who favor a particular brand often reward the retailer with high financial gains.
Turn your customers into brand advocates. IBM solutions focused on the client can help provide better shopping experiences, while ensuring operational excellence in the company of the retail industry.
IBM's undisputed leadership in the retail industry is highly regarded and highly respected. IBM has been part of every significant innovation in this industry, from the creation of barcodes to lead the industry into commerce and to implement e-business solutions. IBM has a unique ability to help small and medium enterprises in the retail industry and processed and put a spin on the experience they deliver to their customers, helping them differentiate themselves and be more competitive, also transforming the shopping experience end customer.